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A/V Analysis of Murder with my Husband

Murder with my husband is a podcast found on Apple podcast, youtube and on tiktok. These podcasts are run by Garret Moreland and Payton Moreland. This couple dives into the mysterious disappearances, murders and unsolved cases of many families and loved ones throughout the years. They have talked about the killer clown era all the way to the Manson family. They go through the whole case digging up every little detail to create these podcasts. Down below is one of their podcasts. If you like the crime world, then I suggest you watch.

This type of content might not be for everyone. Some people may feel uneasy listening or watching things like this as it speaks of many violent things. People may find it disturbing and even disrespectful to the family and the loved one who had passed or disappeared. Then we have the people who are really into true crime and disappearances. They find it interesting how the minds of these people work and what made them act as they did. I am one of these people. I love listening to true crime podcasts and hearing about all of these different cases. Every case is always different in their own way and it is just very interesting how some of the cases became unsolved with all of the evidence the police had. As I said already, it is very interesting.

During these podcasts on youtube, you can see the couple sitting in chairs with microphones. The wife has an ipad with all of the story details and anything else that will be used during the podcasts. In these versions, they actually use photos from the investigation. So, real photos of the victim and the real locations of where the school was and everything else. The only thing that does not match up with all of the real pictures they add, are the pictures and videos that do not look like they belong with the story. They just seem out of place, like the video of the truck driver driving and the video of a pair of legs walking. These two clips do not match the type of mysteriousness that the rest of the story holds before the ending. The videos and pictures of these podcasts add to the amount of worry, scaredness, and mystery throughout the story and investigations. Most of these details show how the victims looked and how their families were handling the situation at the time. The way the women's voice sounds during certain parts of the stories and the comment breaks also add to the effect of how hard it is to comprehend how someone can do these monstrous acts.

These podcasts on Apple podcasts are completely different and give a different effect on the matter. On this platform, you see nothing and all you do is listen. There is no way of seeing what the victims looked like or anything in that area. I believe this is where the podcasts lack the emotion of the visual scenes of the crimes and victims. All you can hear is the emotion in the womens voice and the feeling of question in both of their voices during the comment breaks. In this sense, I believe that the youtube podcasts are better than the apple podcasts. Being able to see what was going on through pictures is what really makes the connection stronger to the situation being spoken about. Now some people rather just hear about the incident rather than seeing the photos along with it. Some people like it better that way because they do not want to see the damage or any gruesome content that would not settle correctly with them.

These podcasts relate to our readings from last week because they show that the original pictures give off more feelings and emotions rather than the ones that are not from the original scene or crime. It is kind of like the remake documentaries that do the retakes of the scenes. I feel as though the retakes don't give off the same amount of emotion that the original gave off when it had happened. These stories need to stay authentic and need to keep the real feelings to show everyone how horrendous of a crime or mystery the situation really was. These situations and scenarios are very serious and should always be seen in that way and they should always be told with the real photos and facts all the time.

If you are really into true crime, then I highly suggest these podcasts. These will teach you all about the different stories and lives that have been ruined and will always be remembered.

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