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System Analysis

The system I will be looking at is Spotify. This is a platform used for streaming any type of music from anywhere at any given time. This app also allows people to listen to podcasts. This allows people to connect with others based on their music tastes and people can find playlists and songs they might wanna listen to from other peoples accounts. Now this app has some rules attached to the type of account you have. If you have just the free account, then it is impossible to listen to the music you have without wifi or service. This also causes a lot of ads to pop up in between songs and it can happen between every song. This tends to get very annoying having to exit out and then going back in to just skip the ads. The other option is to pay for premium and allow yourself to be able to download all of your playlist and songs onto the app. This allows you to play and listen to music without service and ads. There is another special offer for spotify which is the college student plan.

For premium, The only people allowed to use this are those who pay for it. This means that people who do not pay, can not access this part of the app. This system also can make playlists for you. The software sees the music that you are always listening to and to what genre. It sees this and goes and creates a weekly playlist with music that you might like. This is a great feature in this software because it can give you an opportunity to listen to new music and learn about new artists. The community that this software goes for is anyone who wants to listen to music they choose for free. Any type of music is on there and can be heard, shared, saved and much more. Now speaking of the college student plan, you have to also pay for this, but it only is applied to college students hence the name. This completely excludes everyone else and only lasts until you graduate from college. It works the same as the regular premium plan except it costs less and comes with two other softwares like hulu and on demand. It allows you to listen to music ad free and download music to listen to offline.

I guess we can say that this software does not have complete rules like other softwares such as Instagram or Snapchat. But there aren’t ways to block people or report others simply because there is no posting or other things of the sort. But, there is a way to follow and unfollow others on the app. This allows people to see if playlists are updated or to see what kind of music they listen to. There are ways to search up playlists and specific songs that other music players may not have. So already, this is different from other social media or other software platforms. I do wish there was a way to add songs to other peoples playlists to just add to the aesthetic or theme of the playlist. There are also ways to share playlists with people and you can just message them a link and then they would have it ready to listen. I just think that this is a pretty cool aspect of the app and makes it very easy to share music with friends and family. `

I believe that this software is very helpful with connecting people of different races and cultures around the world. This may not directly do this like Instagram, but it does this through music. Going to certain peoples playlists and then listening to others music from their cultures. This enables you to learn more about certain things and hear the different ways that music sounds. Now this can be done through the podcasts also. There are many different podcasts out there and most of them are information based no matter what it is. Now this could be crime podcasts, history, science and others and it can tell you about the different cases and histories and ways that certain things work. Now this can be done with cultures and this allows people to talk about their culture and kind of teach others about it. This is a good way to connect millions of people across the world and allows everyone to hear all of these stories that may or may not impact their life.

Some people may not like Spotify simply because they are going to have to pay for ad free, but I think it is pretty worth it. Now, there are other softwares that mimic this app, but do not require a payment to listen offline. To me, this one is the best out of all of them simply because there are no videos that need to load and there is not anything that will stop the app from working. If you decide you want a music playing app, I would highly recommend spotify.

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Nov 17, 2022

Hi! I really enjoyed reading this analysis of something so universal in peoples' lives. I've never really considered the different subscriptions of Spotify, to be systems themselves. I also always considered the inclusive aspects of the different subscriptions and how they allow for different types of access and pricing on Spotify, but I've never considered the exclusive aspects. You helped me see that side of a platform that's exclusive when separating people in the general use of Spotify, to people with special subscriptions. I've always been an Apple Music listener, but I am starting to agree with you that Spotify is worth it.

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