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Final A/V Project

Down below is the transcript for this audio.

The main purpose of my project was to speak about the U-17 Women’s World Cup. I basically used this as a way to inform the people who weren’t able to watch it of what was going on. I was able to find some stats on the games that the US had played throughout the World Cup and used those in order to help people hear about what had happened. I struggled a little bit trying to figure out how I was going to talk and about what I was going to talk about. I did end up finding a very good topic and I feel like I did well. Although I did not get the sit down and talking podcast feel, I did get the newscaster fell. I feel as though the newscaster voice has a nice feel for the type of recording I have done. I feel like once I got everything together in my mind, it was able to be produced well outside of my mind. I am happy about what I had come up with and I am glad that it came out well and how I wanted it to.

For the beginning, I was really struggling on a topic to talk about. I was going between a crime podcast and a sports podcast and I just could not decide which to do and what would be better. I then spent a while pulling all of my information together and figuring out how I would write that. So all of this time was spent on making a good script that I could follow and have for people who have impaired hearing. I made a podcast also because it allows people who can’t see, to be able to listen to it and those who can’t hear can read it. I also spent a long time trying to get my recordings right and sounding right. I also spent a while trying to get my editing right and trying to do something with the audio. I feel like using and creating audio is better than just writing because audio allows one to have more voice and emotion from the creator.

I incorporated Shakira’s song Waka Waka into the background of my audio. I chose this song because it was the main intro song for the 2010 Fifa World Cup games. It also fits well with my topic because it is upbeat and has a soccer feel to it that I just can’t explain. Now in terms of fair use, I am using all of these audios for educational purposes and is used for facts simply because it uses facts about the games and are accurate. If this audio were to be published anywhere, people would not listen to it and think that they do not have to go and listen to the actual song. It is in the background low enough that the words are kind of hidden by my words in my audio. Therefore, the only thing that can really be heard is the beat and sounds instead of the words.

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A/V Project Script

Intro: Hello and welcome to episode one of talking with Abby. For this episode, we will be talking about the U-17 Women’s World cup and...


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