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Social Media Analysis

There has been an issue with mental health within teens for many years. I believe that everyone just now began to see the issue due to the pandemic in 2020. Students had begun to slowly drop out of school or stopped going. Girls were seen comparing themselves to other girls by looks and body type. Men have done the same thing, but they decided to hide how they were feeling. With mental health comes anxiety and stress to make matters worse. All of these things can and will put bad thoughts into our minds and cause major issues within ourselves. This is where I tie in an instagram page called the goodquote.

The goodquote is an instagram page dedicated to positive and inspirational quotes. I feel as it is very important to have many outlets to help people deal with their mental health and help them potentially. The target audience for this page is men and women along with teens who need that extra support with anything they are dealing with. I feel like people are easily projected towards this page simply because the posts are straight to the point and each post has different fonts and sometimes the smaller fonts can grab attention like the bold texts. This page doesn't just help with mental health, it helps with personal growth and gives advice on how to change certain things and aspects about your life to make it better. It may sound stupid, but it actually has worked. I have been following and using their app and it has helped me stay on course and I have been really happy the last couple years.

There might also be people who read the quotes and do not agree with them. That is okay because people will react to these differently. They might say that they already tried the advice for the specific topic and that it didn't work. Others might look at these and find that they want to try out the advice and see if it works. I think that the creator had a good idea though with how they created the name and made it appealing in that way to try and drag some people in no matter who those people were. I think another thing that drags people into this page is all of the different backgrounds. The backgrounds range from plain colors to book pages, then it can go to the sky and beach scenes. If I was looking from a different perspective, I would see this as a safe and bright place I could go to just to help myself out a little bit.

I have noticed from a while of following this page, that the comments sections have become a real place of safety for people who are struggling and or for people to share their experiences on the topic of the post. Sometimes there are the stupid comments that are said to kind of be funny and other times there are just comments of people agreeing with the post. No matter why these people are there commenting, they have found a nice community that they feel like they can trust to not judge them and to just listen to what they have to say. In this sense, I think the text had served their purpose and brought people together and helped others grow.

Although I do not know who created this page and the quotes, but I do know why they are doing it. They might have had someone in their life who was having trouble and they simply want to help others through what they have going on in their lives. Not many people have this at their homes and it is good that someone is trying to spread good messages across the world. It is also cool that this person is expanding their platform into an app, therefore it is easier for people to access and get daily quotes of whatever category they choose. This app has helped me in many ways and has kept me motivated athletically and mentally. This page has helped me grow and realize that I don't need to keep certain things or people in my life to stay happy. For example, it has helped me realize that the sport I used to play did not define who I was when I had to quit and felt like I was nothing without the sport. I believe that this page and hopefully the app will benefit you all and helps you with everything you have going on. I do not regret finding this page and I hope it gets out there that good things always come around, you just have to be patient.

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Nathan Da Silva
Nathan Da Silva
Sep 14, 2022

This has been a mighty uplifting read, and I think its great that you can enjoy something you found on social media. Its always good to see an example of people wanting to help each other and that effort being answered. Your statements about the comment sections on these posts having attracted a community of like-minded people shows how social media can bring people together just as easily as it can break them apart. There are certainly issues with social media, and it has been used many times to the general detriment of mankind, but examples like the one you gave help to detract from that loss.


Danielle Aiello
Danielle Aiello
Sep 14, 2022

I really enjoyed reading your blog about this good quotes page. I believe that you executed how people felt during the pandemic. To have this available for people all around is really good. I did not know about this page but I might check it out. I also like that you explained that you don't have to like all the posts but they are there if you really need them. Overall, I thought it was good!

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